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Fire Zodiac Signs - Aries

Fire Zodiac Signs - Aries


Scent: Settling Embers


Playlist: Admirable Aries


Ignite the fire within with our celestial collection of zodiac candles: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Experience the captivating aroma of "Settling Embers," an enigmatic blend of Tonka and Oud that embodies the essence of the fire element. Each candle is accompanied by a specially curated playlist that reflects the unique characteristics of its corresponding zodiac sign.


Aries- Embody the dynamic energy of "Admirable Aries" as it fills your space, empowering you to conquer any challenge. Let the playlist ignite your passion and determination, fueling your inner fire.


Embrace the power of the fire element and unleash your true essence with the Settling Embers collection. Let the scent and sound intertwine, guiding you on a transformative journey that reflects the remarkable qualities of your zodiac sign.


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